- Are there any flame retardants used in DockATot docks?
- At what age should I stop swaddling my baby?
- Can Deluxe+ docks be used for sleep and overnight sleep?
- Can I carry my baby in the dock?
- Can I use parts of my DockATot separately?
- Can I use the Deluxe+ dock for bedsharing (or co-sleeping)?
- Can I use the dock if my baby is rolling over?
- Can my baby sleep in the Dream Weaver?
- Can my baby sleep on the La Maman Wedge?
- Can my child sleep on the Futon Royale?
- How do I know if my baby is too hot?
- Is the dock breathable?
- My baby has unexpectedly fallen asleep in a Deluxe+ dock. What do I do?
- To what standards are docks tested?
- What is Tummy Time and how can I use the Dock to help?
- Why do some other loungers say that they can be used for overnight infant sleep and DockATot does not?
- Why has DockATot evolved its bedsharing message?
- Why shouldn’t I leave my baby to sleep in a Deluxe+ dock?