What is the difference between the Deluxe+ and Grand?
The DockATot Deluxe+ dock is the ultimate docking station for your baby ages 0 to 8+ months old. Multi-functional and multitasking, the Deluxe+ offers a comfy spot that lets baby lounge, play, cuddle, do tummy time and get diaper/nappy changes. Deluxe+ docks are lightweight and portable with versatile add-on accessories, such as the Cabana Kit for outdoor time and Toy Set to support active movement and motor skills.
As your child grows, our Grand dock provides both comfort and support to kids ages 12 months to 3+ years. The Grand size is approximately 50% longer and wider than the Deluxe+. It is the perfect place for playtime, family movie night, and story time. Older tots love to move their favorite lounging spot around the house, and it’s also ideal for travel—to grandparents’ house or on holiday/vacation.
The DockATot Grand can also help ease an older child into their new toddler or big-kid bed when they’re otherwise ready as the sides provide a sense of security.