How do I prevent mildew (mold) from growing on my dock?

If you are concerned about "mold" on your dock, it is actually likely mildew that concerns you (mildew is what sometimes grows on damp textiles, whereas mold tends to grow on food or in other areas).  Any time fabric does not dry out after getting wet (e.g. from wet diapers, spit-up, sweat, or incomplete drying after washing, etc.), there is a chance mildew can develop.  Here is how you can help prevent mildew from developing on your DockATot dock:

      -Be sure to remove the cardboard insert before first use of the product.

      -If the DockATot dock gets wet or damp, allow it to dry completely before using or stowing away.

      -Move the DockATot dock about—regularly shake it, ventilate it, and expose it to light and fresh air.

      -Avoid storing the DockATot dock in humid or damp areas.   

      -Never add waterproof materials to, in, or beneath the DockATot dock.

If you should find mildew on the DockATot dock over time, we recommend adding a cup of white vinegar when washing the product according to the instructions on the product label.  Alternatively, you can soak the affected piece to soak in a solution of white vinegar and water for an hour or two before washing the piece according to the instructions on the product label. 

Notably, there is nothing in the materials of DockATot docks that causes mildew, and we have refrained from adding anti-fungal or anti-bacterial chemicals to the DockATot dock.  However, like any fabric product, mildew can grow on a DockATot dock if it gets wet and is not fully dried.  Appropriate care is necessary to keep your dock in top shape.

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